The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body 1The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body 1

Thanks to a radioactive spider, Marvel’s teenage hero Peter Parker is endowed with supernatural powers and many special abilities.


The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body

Spider-Man’s powers stem from a bite from a radioactive spider, partially altering Peter’s genetic structure.

With such a modified genetic structure, his powers can be passed down to future generations.

Ability to climb walls

The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body

It sounds simple, but the authors actually analyze this ability of Peter very clearly.

Spider-Man’s ability to crawl and climb has proven to be very good and useful – being able to stick to slippery or impact-resistant surfaces such as airplane fuselages or rockets.


The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body

Although Peter’s powers can be completely explained by science, there is something quite… magical about his special powers.

Spider-Man can see in the dark, combined with stronger strength and flexibility than ever, and now he even has venom stored in his arms to neutralize enemies.

The nature of the body and the ability to replicate

The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body

With such special genes, it’s no wonder that many villains want to duplicate Peter’s powers.

Clone Kaine suffers side effects from this process, causing his face to be completely deformed, while other versions cannot exist in a certain form.

Tendon network

The 5 strangest features of Spider-Man's body

One of Spider-Man’s most prominently transformed body parts is the reinforced tendon network, making them twice as flexible as normal people.

Spider-Man’s postures are almost practiced to a level that ordinary people cannot achieve – from the way he clings to walls, to flying, to the way he swings webs.

According to CBR

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